Post-Howloween Tweat Rush

Welp, we just now settling down fwom all owa Howl’o’ween actibitiez incwuding all da snackiez!  I fink I gained a whole pownd! Now we iz wookin furward to Fanksgibbin’! Mai most favowitt foodz iz schicken ob corse so obviously I lubbz toikey! Dey bofe birdz if yoo din’t noze dat. 🐔🦃 So dat beez yor lesson fur da day! B0L! 

Oh! I awmost furgotted! I wanted to show yooz guyz mai #HarleyQuinn booty shortz!!! Yoo cuddnt see dem in mai offishal Howloween pikkie & Momma worked hawd making dem fur meez so….heewr yoo goze! Yoo can wook BUT NOT FUR TOO LONG! 

It’z Howl’o’ween Nite!

We lubbz dwessin’ up and Momma lubbz to make us kool owtfitz….otayz, Momma tolded me to say dat. Eeder way we wud wike to weveal owa costoomz!!!! 

First, I ben hearin’ dat awott ob girlz iz dwessin’ up az #HarleyQuinn fwom da #SuicideSquad…..but nunna dem can rock it wike meeeeez!!!!!

See! I eben gottz da bloody “GOOD NIGHT” bat and da Puddin’ collar. Sawwy but I WEELY feewlin’ maiself wight nowz. *flips hair*

So now I gessin’ yoo wanna see mai broski in himz costoom…Fur doze ob yooz who don’t noze Johnny (@JohnnyTheFrug on Twitter) we ‘dopted him fwom #MidwestBostonTerrierRescue. Seemz dey pulled him fwom a shelter affer he wuz caught livin’ on da mean stweetz. I noze, I noze-Johnny ain’t no Boston Tewwier BUT him IZ a fellow smushy face so dey saved him. Now he mai brudder and if yoo wanna get all technicalz, Johnny iz haff Pug and haff Fwench Bulldog. Dat makez him a #FRUG! 

Jeez….enuff abowt Johnny aweddy!!! He goin twick or tweating az da Late, Gweat….


#Harambe wuz da Gowilla at da Cincinnati Zoo

So der yoo haz it. I hope yooz all enjoyed deez pix and hopefully gotted a laff 😂


#BostonTerrier #Paloma #BostonTerriers #Pug #Pugs #FrenchBulldog #FrenchBulldogs #FrenchiePugs #BlogPaws #Buzzfeed #Barkpost #dog #dogs #Halloween #Howloween

Zombieeeee!Well, it is DAT time ob yeer again. Da time wen ghostiez & gobwinz wun fwee in search ob candy and skwapz ob bwainz. Az yoo can see, I make a tewwifying zombie howeberz, dis iz not mai offishul Halloween costoom. Mai offishul costoom iz a Mermaid….Yes, yoo weaded dat wight. A Mermaid. Why wud I furgo da escary Zombie wook fur a siwwy Mermaid yoo axe? Well, it’z all MOMMA’Z fawlt! Momma & Gwammie iz juss owt ob contwolz wif dat sewing masheen ob derz & dey totted dat I wud make a pwetty Mermaid. Dey iz wight, I iz a pwetty Mermaid ob course but I wanted to be sumfing ESCARY! Oh well…Mebbe next yeer. So now dat yooz all know wutt I iz gunna be fur Halloween why don’t yooz tell ME wutt YOO gunna beez? Post a pikkie ob yerself werrin yer costoom & I gunna do da same. Can’t wait to seez yooz!


**My New Store!**Click Here To Shop!**

**My New Store!**Click Here To Shop!**

Hey all! *waving paws*

Az menny ob yoo noze, I iz still settling into life in mai noo city ob Cincinnati.

I absawwotly LUBBZ it heer by da wayz! I haz ben to watch da Cincinnati Redz pway & I haz fownded noo dogpawkz & meated menny wunnerful noo pupz in mai nayborhood. I haz awso ben inspired to open up mai bewy own ETSY shop! Wif Momma & Gwammiez help I haz abowt 50 itemz posted in da store & dey not ALL doggie welated eederz! Derz pwenty ob stuff fur da human in yer life. So if yoo check owt mai store & yoo wike sumfin juss let me noze & if yoo wike sumfin but wud wike it customized in sum way den lemme noze & I seez wutt I can do! Otayz! 

Been gone a while…R.I.P. Phoenix

Well….I hazznt writed fur a while. Akshully, I hazzt writed since mai kitteh brudder Phoenix passed awayz. Dat maded me so sad & I juss dint feel wike bwoggin’ no morez…We thought Phoenix wuz gunna recober…we thought he wuz comin’ awownd. Den we gotted da worst phone call. Az dey wuz pwepawin’ him fur da skin graph surgewy dey fownded da Big C. Cancer. @#$% CANCER! @#$% it! Phoenix dint hab a chance. He wuz so weak fwom da meddysinz Momma hadda gibb him & he cuddnt get awownd wif da big cast he wore on himz fwont leg. Momma hadda cawwy him awownd & help him in & owt ob da witter box. Mostly he wuz owt ob da cwate & in Momma’z armz. He wuz in so much pain fwom da ‘degloving’ wound on himz leg dat he hadda go back to da hospibal fur obzervayshun & to get da bandagez changed. Affer dey called wif da nooz dat dey cuddnt help him no morez, Momma maded da desizhun to bwing him home fur a few dayz before he gonned Ober Da Wainbow Bwidge…He camed home & we all twied to show him az much love az possible & spoiled him wif toona & let him know dat he WUZ loved and dat he WUZ pawt ob a FAMIWEE. I gettin’ weal leaky eyez writin’ dis and finkin’abowt mai Warrior Kitty brudder, Phoenix. We all bawled owa eyez owt da day himz ashez & paw pwint awwibed. I hope he’z happy in Kitty Heaven. I hope he iz fwolicking in da gwass, chasing butterfwiez & most ob all, juss beein’ pain fwee. We lubbz yoo SO much Phoenix! I hope da time yoo had wif us made a diffawence. *sobbing*